One of the ways groups of travelers save money is by opting to sleep in hostels, where upwards of 20 guests (possibly more) share a single room stocked with bunk beds. Typically, these beds will be rather cheap and uncomfortable, but there’s no reason they have to be that way. Hostel bunk beds can offer a pleasant night’s stay if they’re made well with a focus on the end user.
What Makes for Quality Hostel Mattresses and Bunk Beds?
Dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of travelers will use any given hostel bunk bed over the course of its lifetime. That means the bed needs to have some very specific qualities, namely:
Efficient Use of Space
In a hostel, space is a premium. Beds will be pushed up against the wall and often butted up end to end. The frames need to take up the least amount of space possible while also allowing for the sleepers to have enough room to stretch out.
Bed bugs and other pests can be a real problem if hostel bunk beds aren’t well-designed or taken care of properly. Their frames should be made of metal and welded to avoid leaving gaps where pests can sneak in. And their mattresses should be easily cleanable and feature an impermeable cover. That cover should at least be hand-washable, but machine-washable covers are preferable.
High Strength
Bunk beds have to support at least two people, and there’s no way of knowing the combined weight of two strangers. With a sturdy, welded metal frame, a hostel bunk bed can support 500 pounds or more without warping or buckling. Wooden frames may be less expensive, but they won’t last nearly as long. Furthermore, for a wooden frame to be as strong as a metal frame, it would have to be much bulkier and thus take up more room. Also See: What Material Is Best For Bunk Beds? Comparing Metal vs. Wood
Minimal Noise
One of the downsides of sleeping in a room with potentially a dozen or more people is that it can get quite noisy. Beds can creak and groan throughout the night, resulting in interrupted sleep. Between a semi-firm high-density foam mattress and a welded steel frame, hostel bunk beds can be made comfortable & quiet.
Resistance to Fire
If a guest makes the poor decision to smoke in bed, it can lead to a disastrous fire. By using metal frames and modern mattresses that adhere to fire safety codes, you (and everyone else) can rest easy knowing that your beds aren’t flammable. For more information, see 16 CFR 1633: Mattress Flammability Standards.
Simple Cleaning
Cleaning your beds shouldn’t be a back-breaking affair. Mattresses made of high-density foam offer excellent comfort and support while also being light enough for one person to lift. Mattress covers keep the mattress itself from absorbing moisture and can be wiped down. And metal frames are easily cleaned with a rag and a spray bottle.
Resistance to Water
Having a waterproof mattress is essential for good hygiene and comfortable sleep. Metal frames are also much better at blocking moisture than wooden frames, which can rot or promote mold and bacteria growth.
Safe Use
The last thing you want is someone slipping as they climb up to the top bunk. Ladders should have no-slip properties, and the frames should have obvious handholds. The frame should also have guard rails all around to prevent accident roll-outs.
Buy Quality Hostel Bunk Beds, Buy Once
Despite having frequent guests, hostels shouldn’t have to constantly replace or refurbish their beds. A much more cost-effective strategy is to simply purchase quality beds in the first place. By getting durable, high-density foam mattresses and welded metal bunk bed frames, a hostel can provide a comfortable, safe environment for its guests for years.

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.