Shelter bedding has to walk a narrow line. On the one hand, it must be rugged, durable, easily cleaned, and light enough for one person to move. On the other hand, it must be comfortable for guests and clients alike.
Whether you need shelter bedding for a rescue mission or a homeless shelter, your beds may be one of the most important ways you provide care for those who come through your door. With that in mind, let’s examine the essential features shelter bedding must have and how ESS Universal fits the necessary criteria.
Shelter Bedding Mattresses

Your shelter’s mattress will, of course, be what your guests interact with most. To withstand continued use, it should be made from a quality material that can resist tearing and warping, such as high-density foam. In addition to the mattress, a hypoallergenic, polyurethane covering should be used to prevent moisture or pests from destroying the mattress or harboring bacteria and mold.
Additionally, breathability should also be a key factor to ensure comfort. Not only will it make sleeping more pleasant, but it will also contribute to the lifespan of the mattress. By not trapping their body heat, the sleeper won’t be as prone to sweating. And if a particular guest does happen to be a heavy sweater, the mattress’s cover should be machine washable to easily prepare it for the next guest. Learn more about ESS Universal’s Waterproof Form Mattress.
Shelter Bed Frames
Shelter bedding should always rely on metal frames over their wooden counterparts. It needs to be able to support 500 pounds, and that’s going to be a big ask of any wooden frame. Metal frames are inherently far stronger than wood frames, even those made of dense materials such as walnut or maple.
Verticality will also be a factor, and you will likely want to invest in bunk beds to increase your capacity. The frames should have built-in ladders with non-slip properties. Another bonus of sturdy metal frames is that they’re quiet. By limiting the use of springs in mattresses and wood frames that can warp and loosen, guests can shift around in the night without causing excessive noise. See our full line of beds:
- Dallas Single Bed
- Dallas Single Over Single Bunk Bed
- Dallas Single Over Double Bunk Bed
- Dallas Triple Bunk Bed
- Missouri Detachable Single Over Single Bunk Bed
Lastly, to accommodate guests of varying heights, the frame should be around 80 inches long.
Other Essential Qualities of Shelter Bedding
To ensure the safety and health of your guests, shelter beds should feature the following characteristics:
Fire codes require mattresses to be fire-resistant. Metal frames are, of course, not flammable.
From bedbugs to cockroaches to mice and rats, pests can make life miserable. With welded metal frames, pests won’t have anywhere to hide or burrow in. Bed Bug Smart. What Does That Mean to ESS?
Between impermeable mattress covers and welded metal frames, shelter bedding should be completely waterproof. When guests are finished sleeping for the night, such waterproof properties actually make the bedding easy to clean; simple cleaning products and towels can do the job.
Durable, Comfortable, Long-Lasting
High-occupancy environments provide a unique challenge for bedding. Beds must retain their comfort while also being hardy enough to withstand the harshest treatment. Homeless and recovering individuals deserve to spend the night in a bed that will keep them safe and offer comfortable rest. It’s worth investing in shelter beds & mattresses that can give them that experience.

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade beds, mattresses, and furniture to camps, hostels, shelters, dorms and more. View our entire line of furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds. Download our catalog for detailed information on our complete product line.