Bed bugs are a major issue in the United States and around the world and once they’ve moved in it’s extremely expensive and difficult to get rid of them.
This is a typical example of a domestic mattress joining rib, which is a perfect hiding place for bed bugs, this is why ESS Sleep Systems contract waterproof mattresses are a good deterrent against these little critters.
Adult bed bugs are broadly oval and the size of an apple or melon seed. They are a brownish color or red if they have recently fed.
Metal bunk beds are cold and bed bugs like warm places.
Bed bugs are primarily nocturnal creatures and feed on warm-blooded victims.
Traditionally, hostel bunk beds were made from wood which is a naturally warm material. Wood bunk beds expand and contract in dry and damp seasons creating gaps and crevices in the wood joints which provide the perfect hiding place for bed bugs! Metal bunk beds do not offer the same comfort and warmth for bed bugs to thrive. The cold steel deters bed bugs from settling down during the daylight hours and then feasting on their victims at night.
Metal bunk beds are favorable but no guarantee
Bed bugs travel in groups of seven to ten. They will climb a wall, navigate across the ceiling, and drop onto a bed. Metal bunk beds help avoid many bed bug issues but are not a guarantee. Bed bug prevention is critical for all individuals and organizations.
Tips to avoid housing bed bugs in your home, hostel, or hotel suite:
- Have strict rules when guests arrive ensuring they do not unpack on the bed
- Use metal bunk beds rather than wood
- Use commercial water resistant mattresses that have a removable cover that can be washed at high temperatures
- Use commercial water resistant foam pillows that have a removable cover that can be washed at high temperatures
- Avoid using carpet wherever possible
- Vacuum rooms, hallways, and mattresses daily

ESS Universal manufactures and supplies high-quality, cost-effective commercial grade furniture products. View our entire line of commercial furniture products including our popular waterproof foam mattress for institutional use, single metal bed frames, single over single bunk beds, single over double bunk beds, and triple bunk beds.