Most organisations have a challenge when the need arises to buy heavy duty bunk beds Australia and New Zealand; such a major purchases for Christian camps, backpacker hostels, holiday camps and holiday homes the purchaser has to rely on images on websites to assess many important factors.
- Strength in design
- Bed bug proof
- Stability in design
- Longevity outlook
- Aesthetic coatings
- Real heavy duty bunk beds Australia
- After sales care
- Real warranty
The ultimate test
It is no secret that the ultimate test for any peace of mind when making a major purchase for heavy duty bunk beds in Australia is undoubted to be testimonials from previous customers. Testimonials are voluntary feedback statements from actual customers who use heavy duty bunk beds Australia and New Zealand wide.
Testimonials on websites such as Equipment Supply Solutions (ESS) are a sure way of having peace of mind when making a volume purchase. Here is some advice:
Study bunk bed images carefully, check to make sure the bunk bed meets safety standard design, check the assembled weight, generally the heavier the bunk bed the stronger it is! For example, most metal tubular bunk beds and timer bunk beds on the market are designed for domestic use, you know, like the bunk beds you see in stores such as IKEA and corner furniture shops. This domestic design accounts for over 95% of bunk beds you see on the market.
How to identify a true heavy duty bunk bed for commercial use
Look at the Dallas single over single bunk bed below, the sheer visual impact separates it from domestic models.

A good guide is to see the heavy duty bunk bed in a real situation, if the website does not show the bunk bed in that situation ask for images, see below example of the Dallas D2 in a real situation:

Be careful when choosing heavy duty bunk beds Australia be sure to do your homework – contact ESS today for REAL heavy duty bunk beds!